The European Baptist Federation, together with the global Baptist family, supports relief efforts in the zones of crisis across the EBF region.
Thank you for your generosity!
Translations are provided for you below:
First page
1. Meine Spende = My donation3. Zahlungsdetails = Payment details
4. Kontaktangaben = Contact information
Anrede = Salutation (Herr=Mr, Frau=Ms/Mrs)
Vorname = First name
Nachname = Last name
Straße & Nr. = Street name and house number
PLZ = Post code
Ort = City or locality
Land = Country (you may need to google what the name of your country is in German)
Spendenbescheinigung = Donation receipt
Rechtliches * = Required *
Ich akzeptiere die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. = I accept the general terms and conditions.
Ich akzeptiere die Datenschutzerklärung. = I accept the privacy and data policy.
Alle Kreditkarten-Transaktionen werden sicher abgewickelt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass VR Payment QuickCommerce keine Kreditkartendaten speichert. = All credit card transactions are processed securely. Please note that VR Payment QuickCommerce does not store any credit card details.
Second page
Kartentyp = Type of cardKartennummer = Card number
Gültig bis = Expiry date (month/year)
Karteninhaber = Cardholder name
Jetzt Bezahlen = Pay now